Privacy Policy
Thank you for choosing to use our services. This Privacy Policy is
intended to explain how we collect, use, share and protect your personal
information. Please read this Privacy Agreement carefully to understand
our privacy practices.
Information collected
We may collect your personal information in the following circumstances:
1.1. Registration: When you register for our services, you may need to
provide your name, email address and other information.
1.2. Use of services: When using our services, we may collect information
about your activities and interactions, including but not limited to
browsing history, search queries, IP addresses and other information.
1.3. Privacy Choices: You can choose the information and privacy settings
you provide, but please note that some information may be necessary to
use our services.
Usage information
We may use your personal information for the following purposes:
2.1. Providing services to you: We may use your information to provide,
maintain and improve our services to ensure your smooth experience.
2.2. Contacting you: We may use your email address to send you relevant
information, including but not limited to service updates, notices and
important communications.
2.3. Analysis and improvement: We may analyze the information we collect
to improve our services, including user experience, functionality and
Information Sharing
We will not sell, trade or otherwise transfer your personal information
to third parties, with the following exceptions:
3.1. Legal requirements: If we are required to share your information in
accordance with laws and regulations, court orders or government
requests, we will provide it in accordance with legal requirements.
3.2. Service Providers: We may cooperate with third-party service
providers to provide better services. These service providers will
process your information in accordance with our instructions and are
bound by this Privacy Agreement.
information security
We take reasonable security measures to protect your personal information
from unauthorized access, use, disclosure or destruction. Although we
strive to protect your information, please be aware that no data
transmission over the internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure.
Privacy Choices
You can choose to limit our use and sharing of your personal information.
If you wish to exercise these choices, please contact us by emailing
Updates to the Privacy Policy
We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. We encourage you to
review this Agreement periodically to understand how we protect your
personal information.
If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, or wish
to access, correct or delete your personal information, please contact us
Thank you for trusting our services. We will continue to work hard to
protect your privacy and provide a great service experience.